Originally we had planned on finding an antique dresser to refinish for the nursery. After spending a few hours taking apart the changing table, sanding & painting it… we decided to take the easy way out on the dresser instead. I will keep my eye out on craigslist just in case… but if we don’t find something amazing very soon, we have decided to go with this little guy from Ikea. We will put one in the nursery & one in the closet, at only $99 each, they’re a great deal! I will probably switch out the hardware to help it not look so modern. I’m a little nervous that it may clash with the vintage style crib at this point.
Speaking of the changing table… the paint job is FINISHED! Here is a little peek at how it looks with the changing pad & the start of my wire basket collection! I love it so so so much!!

I have also been on the hunt for another fabric that goes well with the honeycomb fabric that I am using for the bedding. It’s been tricky finding something that matches without looking too modern/grown up… but this week I found this adorable OWL fabric that I had to get my hands on!! I ordered two blankets & some fabric baskets to put in the changing table. I love the funny little faces & all of the colors on the owls…especially the owls with the pink & white bellies that match my other fabric perfectly!
And best sneak peek of all… I won a free 3D ultrasound last week so we got to see little baby girl up close!! Here she is all curled up in a ball with her leg up high on the left.
And here is her perfect little profile! I think the 3D ultrasound creeped Brandon out a little bit… everything looks so lumpy & weird but it was fun watching her move around and rub her eyes. I think he was most surprised that she wasn’t already wearing a cute outfit or headband 🙂
Less than 18 weeks until we get to meet this sweet little babe!! I am not cut out for waiting that long for anything… SO EXCITED! 🙂
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