We are so excited to announce the arrival of our third baby girl, miss Claire Vivien. She was born July 1st at 8:20 am, weighing 7lbs 10oz & 21 inches long.
It has been a whirlwind of a week! Claire is a dainty little thing, even though she weighs close to the same as the other girls, it feels like her facial features are just so tiny! She most resembles Harper, although from the side, and sometimes when she is sleeping, she is the spitting image of Eloise. We are so in love with her, she is such a perfect addition to our family & we can’t imagine life without her.
Harper & Eloise just adore her, they have been such sweet & patient big sisters. Things have gotten exponentially more chaotic, Harper cries when Claire cries because she gets so upset about it, and Eloise is determined to climb on top of Claire any chance she gets. It has been really hard not being able to pick them up, Eloise is too young to understand which leads her to tears & pulling on my leg, and breaks my heart into a million pieces. I can’t wait to be able to rock her at bedtime again or pick her up from her crib in the mornings.
As for my third c-section, it went really well & the recovery has so far been my best yet. I have been pleasantly surprised & so thankful for that!! Thanks to my mom & Brandon who have been taking turns helping take care of the big girls, I have been able to get a lot of rest while Claire naps during the day. We are still working on the night time thing but I am ok with that. It’s actually so peaceful in the middle of the night, I don’t even mind so much. Yet. 🙂
I promise to be back soon sharing more details about her birth, my c-section & recovery. And of course more pictures of our little darling trio, big sis, middle sis & little sis!
Thank you again for all of the kind words & sweet comments, we appreciate each & every one of them and can’t express how grateful we are for your love & prayers!
Congrats, she is perfect 🙂 enjoy this chaotic & beautiful time mama ♡
I love keeping up with you and your girls! Your blog gives me something to look forward to and so many great ideas. Congrats and I can't wait to continue watching the girls grow.
Congratulations Garvin family. So SO happy for you 5! What a blessed family you have love. Sending prayers for a speedy recovery! xoxo
Oh my! 3rd c-section, good luck with a speedy and easy recovery. She is just darling! And tall!
xx Viv at JoieDeViv
Congratulations! My friend had a little girl on the same day. Love the names you pick out for your girls. I named my girl Harper.
Such a beautiful blessing. Welcome to the world sweet Claire!
Congrats! She's sooo cute! You look so pretty:) Good luck with all three cuties
Beauty~Full! Harper, Eloise and Claire just sound so lovely! Enjoy this special time!
Happy for your blessed familia!♥
Congratulations, she is beautiful!
Congratulations!! She is so adorable. I hope you have a speedy recovery!!
Now you REALLY have the Sanderson sisters!!! 😉
Jessica I am so happy for this update! I have been checking every day to see if you had delivered! So glad everything is going well. Hang in there.
She looks so sweet… Interested to know where Claire Vivien came from… And what other names were on the short list.
Hi Jessica,
Congratulations on that sweet new baby girl! She is just precious. Our second daughter is due any day now (although the official due date is the 28th) and I fell in love with the look you put sweet Claire in. Can I ask where you got the cute white hat and swaddle blanket? Or what brands they are?? It's so precious! Best wishes!! Becky
Absolutely beautiful; congratulations again to all of you lovely Garvins! Thank you for shedding a positive light on how beautiful motherhood truly is! Many prayers of blessings for you all! xo
beautiful pictures! love that little trio!
She's absolutely perfect Jessica! Congratulations on your new blessing.
Congrats on your beautifull little girl! What a cutie 🙂
M. / http://nevermindnm.blogspot.com/
I just love reading your blog and following your instagram. Your family is so beautiful and miss Claire only adds to it! I'm due in 2 days and can only hope I am able to capture photos as clear and simple as the ones you have of your new little. Congratulations!
Congrats! what a beauty!
WOW! She's beautiful! Enjoy the little girl circus! Congratulations and more prayers coming your way! You will all settle into a new "routine" of sorts.
Congratulations on your third little angel! Such a perfect name for such a cute doll! You look absolutely fabulous in your skin-to-skin picture. We all know where your girl's get their beauty from <3
I've been following your blog since you were pregnant with Harper! Congratulations on another healthy baby girl! Many blessings on your family and a speedy recovery !
CONGRATS! We didn't find out what our baby was so we choose two names Jack for a boy and Claire for a girl. You can check out my blog to see how trying waiting was (it's not nearly as good as yours): http://thenerdywilsons.blogspot.com/. We were so excited to welcome Jack into our lives this April but a little Claire would have been just as special. Enjoy every second with her. Congrats again 🙂
Oh that little bambino! Precious! Makes me want another (we have a girl and boy so far) So glad your recovery is going well, I have had two c-sections and my second recovery was easier than the first! Best wishes for a smooth transition to a family of 5!!!!
Bravo, my dear. You look amazing and the baby looks like a little doll. You can see it in your eyes…you are just so proud. Can't wait to hear all about the craziness in future posts!
You are so blessed, congratulations!!! She is a beauty! Sounds like chaos but the good kind of chaos!
My goodness you look INCREDIBLE!!! You definitely don't look like someone that just had a baby. Congrats to you and your family on the beautiful addition!!
Congrats! Claire is beautiful!
Congratulations! My sister's name is Claire. It is such a pretty, classy name. This post made me a little teary as I am getting ready to have my first baby due August 9th!
Congratulations! She is adorable, just like the other two. And you look amazing for having just given birth 🙂
So happy for your family! She is beautiful!
She's beautiful! Congrats!
Such a beautiful sweet girl. Her name is gorgeous, I am so in love with the name Claire, so timeless and classic. You look so gorgeous and I cannot wait to hear more about life with three beautiful girls! Daddy is a lucky man to have such beauty in his house!
You look so beautiful holding your new sweet baby girl!
Oh that last picture is simply beautiful! Congratulations from Megan in Australia! xx
Congratulations on sweet Claire, she is absolutely beautiful! I love her name – My daughter's middle name is Claire!
So happy for you and your beautiful family! Found your blog when you were pregnant with Harper and have been following ever since. Congrats!
CONGRATS!!!!!! 3 c-sections ouch! I'm dreading a 2nd in the future. Your daughter is just as gorgeous as you. 🙂
Congratulations on your new addition to an already beautiful family!
I would love to hear more about your c-section and i am SO glad your third one went so well! I had my little girl July 1st 2014 at 8:23 AM! Our babies are almost exactly one year apart! After 31 hours of labor I had a c-section and was told I will have c-sections for all of my babies. My Dr. warmed me that the third delivery would be the hardest so I am really excited to hear about yours. I'm really skeptical to have another baby because I had such a hard time with the last. I threw up my whole c-section, aspirated, and two weeks after I was more miserable than ever. I had a chest x-ray and we found out I had pleural effusion & pneumonia. My start to motherhood was rough, and I know next time those things won't happen since I will have a planned c-section, but its still hard! I can't wait to hear your story, your girls area absolute dolls!
Congrats mama. She is perfect!
So happy for you!! She is a perfect little addition to the Garvin family!! So glad that your c-section went well and you're getting lots of help from your mom 🙂 Grandmas are the best!
XO, Kelly
She's beautiful! Congrats! You look absolutely stunning in that photo. It's just so unfair. (;
So adorable! Can't wait to see more pics of all of the girls together. You look like a princess holding baby Claire.
Congratulations! I have been following your blog since you were pregnant with Eloise, i started following because I was pregnant too at that time. Can't believe you already have another baby now! 🙂 Enjoy your beautiful family (sorry if my english is a little weird, i speek dutch 😉 )
She's beautiful! And so are you! So happy I happened upon your blog a few years ago! We have so many similarities! My Maddie is two and her sister Elsie Kate is five months old! Seeing any Claire makes me want another! Shhhh….don't tell my husband! 😉 I've been praying for your family and will continue to do so! You are a rockstar!
Congratulations! What a doll little Claire is. So happy for you and your family!
Beautiful! Congratulations!
My gosh, she is just so precious!!! Congrats on the new addition, xoxo
She is precious. Congrats 🙂
Congrats to your family! I have 3 girls also (14, 12 and 9) and there is nothing like a house full of girls, we are so blessed!
Claire is precious. Congrats. Glad the c-section went well, from experience I know they are rough.
Aww congratulations
She is just darling.
Congratulations Garvin family.
I cannot wait to watch her grow right along big sisters ♡
congrats again to you and your family! good to hear your recovery is going well.
How beautiful, congratulations to all of you xo
Congratulations! She's gorgeous and I love her name!
Congratulations on your third girl! She is beautiful!!
what a little beauty! congrats!
She's to precious ❤️❤️
Congratulations on your third beautiful baby girl! You look absolutely astonishing and are still glowing. Wishing you lots of recovery R&R despite the fact that babies are a lot of work! I have no doubt that you can do it and make it look as easy as pie! I went through a similar thing with Jaxon as you are worth Eloise, it gets easier (somewhat), but you'll figure it out as you get back to your normal self in time. Good luck and you and the family are in my prayers! XO
Congratulations again, Momma! Claire is absolutely beautiful and you look gorgeous as well! Praying for you and your sweet family as you make this major adjustment… You'll be in a comfortable routine before you know it! In the meantime, just enjoy that sweet, new baby. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have one more moment with each of my kids as newborns!
So many congratulations to you and your family, Jessica! Enjoy the early days as much as you possible are able. You're a wonderful mother! -NG
As the middle child of three sisters, I can tell you that Eloise was so meant to be the middle gal and you were destined to have a third baby! The middle child is the wilder, more mischievous, joke cracking party animal. She is also the peace maker and the best friend of both the eldest and youngest. Growing up with two sisters was the best gift I could have been given as a child. I can't wait to give my daughter a sibling- built in playmates and hopefully besties! Have fun with your fab three, I can't wait to hear all about it!
Congratulations! She's perfect! I absolutely adore the name you chose for your sweet little bundle. Glad to hear all went well – I've been patiently awaiting this post. : )
Congrats! Beautiful photos!
Congratulations! She's beautiful and I love the name! I also love her floral blanket! Thank goodness for your mom and Brandon being able to help you. Recovering from a csection with two older kids to care for would be hard!!!
Congrats you to and your family! She is a beauty – love her name too! Hope you continue to have a smooth recovery! Take care! 🙂 Also, as one of your Canadian readers, I love that she was born on Canada Day 🙂
Congratulations Jessica! Claire looks super sweet and you look gorgeous as always. Be strong and spoil your girls rotten with kisses and cuddles, they need you to assure them Claire is not competition 🙂
Hope you recover soon! Good luck! Kisses from Brussels, Belgium xxx
Congratulations, she is just lovely xoxo
Congratulations 🙂 sooooo cute…oh and your blog profile needs to now say mama to Claire too 🙂
Congrats! She is perfect!
Congratulations on your newest little addition! I love all of your pictures, I would love to know how you manage to get good pictures in the hospital!
Congratulations Garvin fam! She's absolutely beautiful x
Beautiful baby share…
She's so beautiful! What a wonderful house full you have! Thanks for sharing life with us! I love keeping up with your beautiful family! God bless!
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!
So so happy for you…your girls are the sweetest!
YAY! Congratulations, girl!! You're doing a marvelous job! One day at a time, and give yourself time to heal and recover. (I overdid it too soon by lifting my 2 year old after my second c-section, and it set me back for months). Sending lots of love and prayers your way! You're so blessed 🙂
COngratulations and best wishes to you! She is precious!!
So glad to see this! Congrats! You both look beautiful! Enjoy every second and thanks for sharing with us!
Congratulations – she is the sweetest! You are giving me baby fever and my littlest is only 6 months old! Enjoy this sweet newborn phase- I miss it so much already! xoxo
Congrats Garvin family!!! Thank you for sharing your life in the blogosphere!
You look absolutely amazing! Thank you for letting us into your life. Best of wishes. Xoxo
Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! She is just as beautiful as her sisters!
She's beautiful Jess!!!
I am just so in love! ?
Congrats, Garvins! She is perfect. 🙂 Blessings today and always!
Oh Jessica, she's GORGEOUS! Congratulations to you and your family!
Congratulations! I've been stalking your blog daily in anticipation of the big news. Glad to hear Momma and baby (and the rest of the fam) are doing well.
Congratulations!!! I have 2 girls (so far!) and my 6 month old is named Vivian! So close! 🙂
awww congrats honey!!! Just the perfect little fam bam! And how gorgeous do you look after birth?! xoxo
She is beautiful! Congratulations to you and your adorable family!
Aw yay 🙂 Huge congratulations! Claire is such a beautiful name and it flows wonderfully with your older two girls. Claire looks like such a pretty little doll, she's stunning!
Also, can I look as good as you after delivering my 3rd? I have 6 weeks left before this little one arrives, but I don't think I've ever looked that good. Seriously, you look gorgeous!
Big congratulations to you, Brandon, Harper, and Eloise again! I can't wait to read more about Claire! 🙂 She looks like the perfect addition to your family!
Congratulations! Such a sweet post 🙂
Congratulations, she's perfect! enjoy these first few days as a family of 5!
She is perfect! Congratulations!! Love all the pictures shared on Instagram. ����
Welcome to the world sweet little Claire! I've been waiting for this post 🙂 Congrats Mama!!
Congrats! She is adorable.
She is so precious! Congratulations Garvin Family.
Praying for you and that God gives you the strength you need each day.
Congratulations!! She looks absolutely adorable. You make the c-section process look like easy beans!
so so so beautiful! congrats on another gorgeous little baby girl. Xoxo
Such beauties you make!
How absolutely darling!! I love the classic names you have chosen for each of your little ladies. I definitely saw Harper in little Claire. I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly and your chaos remains pleasant chaos. Congratulations and enjoy!!
What a beautiful addition to your beautiful family! I have been following along with your blog since before Harper was born, and now as a mama myself, you are such an inspiration!
xoxo Christina
Congrats again! She is just the cutest!
'Tis Our Life Blog
Congrats again!! Loving all the pictures. It warms my heart to see sweet little Claire!
Félicitations! Again! She's so precious and I'm happy you're feeling good! Can't wait to see more of beautiful baby Claire and her adorable sisters! Thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on the newest addition to your sweet family! Remind Brandon that his Fathers Days will forever be epic with you four Garvin girls on his team 🙂 Welcone to the world baby Claire!
First off, congratulations!! Birth is such a beautiful and magical thing. Claire is positively gorgeous and I look forward to your blog posts now more than ever, especially all the adventures that having 3 little girls entails! Best wishes for a fast and wonderful recovery, doll. 🙂
Congrats on new baby girl. I just had a baby girl on June 8th and had to have a c-section also. Did you have numbness with any of yours? If so, how long did it take to go away?
Congratulations, she is beautiful and you look wonderful!
She IS so dainty!!! The second picture of her is gorgeous and also you are so gorgeous in that picture too…how da f*** are you so put together?! I love it
Congratulations, she is so beautiful! I'm having my second and they will be 15 months apart. Seeing how wonderfully you do with 3 children close in age helps calm my nerves (as much as they can be ha)- thanks for sharing! 🙂
Girl you look as if you didn't just have a baby in that pic of you and Claire. You look amazing. I hope it's getting easier to adjust! I'm sure you'll do great. I can't wait to see more pics of the girls!!! I'm glad your recovery is going well. 🙂
Congratulations, she's absolutely beautiful. Best wishes to you and your family.
Ive had 3 and yes, numbness is completely normal. It does get better with time but not 100%. My first and second are 4.5 yrs apart and when I had the second one, I still hadn't gained full sensation in that area from my first. My mother had my youngest brother 16 yrs ago and she says it is still a bit numb.
She's as beautiful as the other girls! Congrats everyone
Congratulations, she is absolutely beautiful and I love her name, and not just because I have a Vivien 😉
Congratulations! My friend had a little girl on the same day. Love the names you pick out for your girls. I named my girl dolly.