I realize I am not the first person to ever have three kids, and I am really not one to complain, but damn. Three kids is tough. We have spent the weekend playing referee, tagging one another in & out as we attempted to play with the kids, do housework, cook meals & still have fun. It was a whole lot of “you got the kids? I am switching the laundry.” “you got the kids? I am putting the food on the grill.” “Ellie needs her diaper changed! Claire is hungry! Harper needs help building a boat to go to Peter Pan’s house! Have you seen a pacifier? Have you seen my sanity?! Are we eating lunch today!?!!”
We totally got this, right? 😉
Friday night Brandon & I went to the Braves vs. Cubs game in the city as part of his 30th BIRTHDAY festivities! We had such a fun time going out without the kiddos, and indulging in big beers & hot dogs. I have something extra special up my sleeve for his birthday this year though, a baseball game simply will not do it when celebrating the big dirty thirty around here. More to come on that! 😉 We also took Harper to her dance class open house, she starts ballet & tap this fall so she got to pick up her outfit and shoes. She was too excited for words, and so are we, we can’t wait to watch her do her thing! We also made these blackberry margaritas & got reacquainted with our back patio after the kids were all asleep. A wild weekend indeed!
Hope you all had an amazing weekend! And as always, thank you again for all of the kind words & encouragement about being back at it today on my own, I can’t tell you all how much I appreciate you! XO
You can rock 3 kid motherhood like nobody's business. You look simply glowing and the girls are just adorable!! Glad you and hubby got to go out and enjoy his birthday!
Having three really is a 3-ring circus but I can promise you after a couple months it will become easier. Settling into a routine is always the hardest. Some day I'm sure we will look back on these wild, out of control days and actually miss them, er right?! Haha 😉
I only have two kids but I hear ya!! Some days just seem so crazy!!
Love hearing about life with three!! I'm dying with two, so I can only imagine!!!
I just adore you and reading your blog – easily the best part of the beginning of a work week. Glad you had a good, festive weekend!
Ah, isn't it funny how much sooner you leave the baby at home? Glad (and impressed!) you are out and about!
Glad you guys got to get out for a night alone… date night is good for the soul!! And I hope you're hanging in there on your first day alone with THREE kids!! Seriously, that just sounds crazy. Just remember, it's perfectly acceptable to start drinking at 5 o'clock… and mimosas with breakfast are always a good idea, too! ;o)
You guys will get there! Heck a baseball game and a few margaritas, sounds like you're on the right track. 😉 but seriously, the day will come when you look up from the kitchen stove (Idk, that's where I was) and realize that you been juggling this three kid thing, and you haven't dropped a single one. Then u might top of ur glass of Moscato and say cheers to that!
Harper looks so excited with her dance outfit and Claire looks so cuddles in that picture. Hopefully you get a system down with three soon!
'Tis Our Life Blog
Harper's face is precious in that ballet pic! And LOVE their matching bows!
Girl you're doing an amazing job!!! I bet it's freaking hard with three kids but you've got this! 🙂
I don't have kiddos (yet) but I can't even imagine what life with three baby girls would be like. You're doing amazing! Can't wait to hear more about Brandon's dirty thirty festivities! My fiancee turns 30 in February and I have some ideas up my sleeve but the more ideas I have, the more fun he'll have 😉
xo Marie
Sounds like you guys had a fabulous weekend, including a little date night! Loving those blackberry margaritas! Definitely going to have to try them 🙂
You are my hero. I almost have a breakdown every morning when getting ready and getting out of the house, and I only have 2 of those little girls!
get. it. girl.. I'd probably be a crazy person with three. Two is tough somedays.. but you seem like you're totally handling it well! YAY for date night also, we don't get those often here.
The beginning of this blog post was hilarious. Three is tough but it gets easier- promise. The key to my sanity was them all napping at the same time when they were younger, now 2/3 don't nap but can easily entertain themselves. Awesome you snagged a date night in too because those were a saver for us as well. You've got this mama!
All the kids asleep at once!? Even for just 15 mins, that's a pretty amazing feat – well done. You give me hope 3 is possible. x
haha this is not very comforting considering this is in my very near future. you got it, girl!
You're kicking so much ass! Your girls are perfection, as usual 🙂
Girl I can barely handle my ONE girl!! Kudos to you, you always make it seem so FUN (not easy but fun).
That goose onesie is the cutest – and their matching hair bows!
Love that you two got some time together!! You are such a rockstar! Three I can only imagine is super tough! You are handling it perfectly! Xoxo
I am so impressed that you are already out and about, as well as right back to blogging! It hasn't even been a month since Claire's birth, has it?! You're amazing!
I have been following your blog since you were pregnant with Harper (and have two little ones of my own the same ages as Harper and Ellie). I imagine you might be doing a FAQ post soon enough, as you have in the past. How is breastfeeding going? When we have our third, I am considering formula feeding this time around for my own sanity. I had a very hard time of it this past time around, especially with chasing an older toddler around. Curious what route you went with #3 and what tips you have!
Mad props! I can't even imagine; I'm exhausted with one!! Thanks for continuing to share your pics and stories. Your little family is truly the cutest:)
I have 3 kids but we spaced them out for this reason. We have a 3-4 year old gap between kids, and thoroughly enjoyed welcoming each new baby. There was no hectic parts during the transition and the older girls were always helpful. They understood what was happening both times and did try to accommodate the whole new baby, as they were fairly independent at 4, then 3 & 7. I myself couldn't have kids closer together because I enjoying getting to know them and giving that one on one. Not to mention, I'd go nuts. But I'd do admire you ladies who do. My sister and I are 11 months apart, and then my younger sisters are twins. My mom said straight off the bat, twins are easier than taking care of closely aged kids. So she encouraged all of us to wait, wait, wait.
I was wondering what you do about newborn sleeping? Is Claire in your room? What does she sleep in? I am pregnant with my first due in December and finding there are a lot of options. I have been following your blog since Harper was young and excited to see you with a new little girl as I begin my journey.
We went from one to three…that shit is insane! My twin girls are Ellie's age so I feel for you having a newborn on top of that!
Tap is the devil. Thank goodness my 7 yet old was tired of it after a year.
This is a pretty snarky comment. Obviously she said Claire wasn't planned, but you do what you have to do! So great that you spaced them all out, but some of us don't. She's not asking your opinion on the spacing of her children. How rude.
Your girls are precious!!! I love the tag parent thing. It's so true in our house too:-)
girrrrrrl, where are your sunglasses from? they're amazing!
I'd love to hear about this too as my husband and I have both said formula feeding may be a must for us if we go for three.
Love the way your write 🙂 those crazy mayhem days are always good to hear 🙂
as a mama of 5 girls aged 21 to 2 years, i have those crazybut super fun daily moments, http://www.letthesparklebegin.com