This week, we are celebrating FIVE whole years of this blog & I honestly cannot believe it!!!! It is so funny to think back to how the blog started, I had just found out that I was pregnant with Harper, we were new to Atlanta, I had no friends here & I worked from home full time. I was desperate for a creative outlet & a way to connect with people, mainly my family & friends far away. My blog has grown into something I never, ever could have imagined, it is such a huge part of my life & I feel so so grateful for this space & this community.
I have learned so much over the last five years. I have learned how much you can feel like you know people just from reading their words & seeing their pictures, so many of you are friends to me & I have never met you in real life. I have learned that we all do life & motherhood differently, but we can still support each other & make incredible things happen. I have learned that the things I write can be taken out of context so easily, and I need to do a better job writing and sharing things the right way. I have had so many ups and downs, of sharing too much, or sharing not enough, and I have learned a lot about myself along the way. I am not the same person that I was when I first started blogging (I mean had no kids, and said fuck a lot) but I have loved being able to blog my way through it all. I have put it all out there, starting projects that I never finished, trying new things that failed miserably, and learning where to draw the line between real life & blog content. And although my blog content has changed so much over the years, I hope that ultimately people come to read here to feel inspired. To feel happy, and encouraged, and like they aren’t alone. I really love you all for sticking with me and following along. For every single one of you who has written me an email or left a comment saying that I have inspired you in some way, you have no idea how much you all have inspired me in return.
image via rifle paper
I really don’t know how to express my gratitude to all of you. It leaves me speechless. I AM SO INCREDIBLY THANKFUL FOR EACH OF YOU. For those of you who have been here from the start, for new readers who come here for the first time and decide to give my blog a chance and follow (because you know it’s like starting a show right in the middle of a season) and honestly, to those of you who have given me criticism, I need that too. And most of all for all of your sweet comments & endless encouragement. I want to have a girls night with all of you, each of you, and have too many glasses of wine & watch the bachelor or talk about motherhood and life. I love you guys, I really really do!! THANK YOU FOR READING.
Cheers to five years!
Cheers to 5 years, keeping us all in the loop, entertained, throwing new ideas at us, style/food/fun, and also for keeping it REAL!!!!
Congrats of five years! Love your blog! 🙂
I freakin' love your blog. Thanks for keeping it real and letting us in your little corner of the world. Always look forward to your posts. xoxo- the girl you sent you a random snap last week on accident. lol
Congratulations on 5 years! I still remember finding you on pinterest when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter (now three and a half)! I have loved watching your beautiful girls grow up, reading every new blog post, laughing out loud, sometimes crying, and just feeling like I'm not alone on this crazy roller coaster of mommy emotions! I also have a 15 month old boy now and am in awe of how you manage three on a daily basis! Cheers to you!
You are awesome. My journey through motherhood wouldn't be the same without you. Thank you for keeping it real.
Awe!! Happy Blog birthday girl! I've been fallowing you from the very beginning and I'm not even sure how I stumbled across your blog but I'm SO glad I did!! I seriously look to you for inspiration on so many things, and love your sense of style (I seriously wish I could send you a picture of my kitchen/ family room, there is so many pieces of you in it ??)!! You've pushed me to be more creative in everything I do and I love it! Anyway, you're awesome and I love coming here to read, watching your snaps, and seeing what you pinning!! Sending love from Colorado and please if you ever have that girls night I want to be on the invite list??
Happy five years! I've been reading since the beginning + have loved following along with your sweet family. Cheers to many more years of blogging! XO
Cheers-ing right back at you! Unfortunately it's water and not wine (apparently that's frowned upon before noon in an office setting…) but congrats to 5 years and thank you for 1. putting your life out there for us to read about and 2. being an inspiration to me as a new blogger, whether you knew you were doing it or not 🙂
I started following your blog just a few months into your pregnancy with Harper. I have looked forward to your posts each week since the first time I read. I have laughed out loud and had had tears running down my face reading over the last 5 years. You are definitely my creative inspiration and now that I'm a mother myself I love looking back at old posts and re-reading them now that I can really relate. Thank you for sharing a piece for you life with us! BEST of luck with the new house!! I can't wait to see every beautiful thing you do with it.
I'm pretty sure I have been following along from the very start or at least close enough to where I was able to go back and go through your beginning pregnancy posts from Harper. I got pregnant with my first shortly after you had Harper and I have loved following along every day since!! You have a beautiful family and your blog is always so fun and refreshing. I love your honesty, your humor, and your amazing talent to create gorgeous things. Thanks for including all of us in your journey! xoxo –Home of Malones
I've been reading your blog since before you had your first girl, I think or maybe since right after she was born! I was pregnant with my first girl. Since then, I've followed weekly and just recently found out I'm pregnant with #3! Three, 3 and under. Holy moly. I tell myself though, if the girl with the blog can do it, maybe I can, too… Cheers!! Congrats!
I've been reading your blog from the very beginning! I found out I was pregnant just after you did and your pregnancy posts and chalkboards are what got me hooked. We ended up being pregnant again at the same time- and I always loved reading your posts because I felt like we could relate so much!! I appreciate you always being so real and keeping me motivated to be a good mom to my two girls! you're my favorite blogger of all time- thanks for letting us follow along! ?
Congratulations on your five years of blogging! Love your blogging style – you always keep it real and I love your positive attitude! Plus your girls are adorable! I started reading your blog about a little over a year ago when I was expecting my second baby! Now I'm expecting my (surprise) third and I find myself re-reading yours post on your pregnancy with Claire and the early days with 3 and I'm getting geared up to do the newborn phase all over again! Thanks for being an inspiring mama!!
Yay for five years mama! Youve been a long time favorite of mine and I love reading your content no matter what that includes. Your silly toddler tales are one of my favorites because I am right there with you, knee deep in survival mode most days! Some days we bake cupcakes and dance in tutus and other days my husband gets SOS texts and knows to bring home a bottle of wine.
Congrats on 5 years! I have been following since fall of 2011 when I found out I was expecting my first. Sadly that pregnancy ended in miscarriage, but I now have 2 amazing girls! My oldest Henley is 2.5 and youngest Everly is 7 months. I find it funny that we have pregnancies/ babies about the same time! I always look forward to your posts, especially the ones with advice or the ones about kids being a$@ holes as I either learn something or commiserate. You are my favorite blogger as you "keep it real" the most (both good and bad). "Cheers to 5 years, and have lots of beer" (I'm sleep deprived from a teething baby and a toddler who constantly wakes up bc shes scared of something- ignore my weirdness).
I love to read your blog in the mornings, drinking my coffee and letting my girls play. Thank you for sharing your life with us! You are such an inspiration Jessica!
I have been reading your blog since your very first pregnancy chalkboard announcement and have loved to watch you grow as a person, mother and writer. Congrats!
I can't believe it's been 5 years! I've loved this blog from the very beginning. I don't comment much, but I alway check religiously for new posts. I feel as if I have known you all along & that you are an old friend! This will always be my favorite blog to read. Cheers to you & all of your success. You deserve it.
Your blog is by far my fav! I get excited when you post a new one. I've been following since the beginning and it's so much fun watching your girls grow up. My youngest girl is about a week older than Claire so it was fun being pregnant "with you" and seeing them grow up "together". Keep up the awesome work and I look forward to following along!
Congratulations on Five years of blogging Mama! I have been following along since the beginning and have definitely read every single post you have written! You inspire me daily and you inspired me to start my own blog almost a year ago. I'm from the UK but I adore your blog and reading about your adventures over the pond! Cheers to the next five years of Little Baby Garvin(s) 😉 xxx
I love this! Thank YOU for sharing! I'm only 20 but I have been following your blog from before Harper was born! You are hilarious and I see a lot of myself in you and hope to be like you when I'm a mom someday
Your blog is so inspiring! I very recently launched one of my own after following yours for years, much from the inspiration you have given me. It is such a joy to read your blog and watch your family grow. Thank you for the inspiration!
My little one is almost three. I found your blog one day while looking for pregnancy announcement ideas. Been looking at your blog ever since!
My little one is almost three. I found your blog one day while looking for pregnancy announcement ideas. Been looking at your blog ever since!
Cheers! You are such an inspiration- I am a better mom because of you! Keep doing what you're doing & thank you for sharing your life with us!
Congrats on five years! I've been reading since November of 2011, so almost the whole time and it has been so much fun to watch your family grow! Thank you for all the laughs, inspiration, and reminders that none of us really have it all together. 😉 I would take you up on that mamas and wine party any day! Cheers!
WOW I've been following you for 5 years!?1? Time is passing us by. Love your blog, however, still waiting on the "food menu for the kids" that you were gonna share with us. You mentioned you would take notes for a month and share those meal ideas. Will you also mention what kind of camera you use. I know it was mentioned before but can't find it. Thank you and cheers to another 5 years!!
Congrats mama! And you are on of my favorite bloggers 🙂
Following since the very beginning. It's been so fun to follow along and watch your family grow, our girls are the same age too. Blessings to you and the future!
Congratulations Jessica! I have LOVED following along with your motherhood journey since we both became moms at the same time. When I see that you have a new post, I get so excited! You're so creative and fun and you allow yourself to laugh through the journey. Thanks for sharing your life and your girls with all of us. I sincerely love your blog and feel like we're friends in some way too! 😉 Cheers to another 5 years!!
I can't believe it has been five years! I have been following you since the early stages of your pregnancy with Harper and am still excited whenever I see a new post from you! You are an amazing mama and I'm glad that you decided to share your journey through your blog.
I can't believe it has been five years! I have been following you since the early stages of your pregnancy with Harper and am still excited whenever I see a new post from you! You are an amazing mama and I'm glad that you decided to share your journey through your blog.
Cheers, sister! You rock the Internet!
My jaw dropped when I read five years!! I've been a follower from the very beginning. Your blog has certainly inspired me in many different ways. Thank you for sharing your life. Cheers to many more years!
This is amazing! It is so cool to have a documented journey of life over the past five years. Something that I know you'll probably always cherish! I started my blog kind of for the same reasons. I was newly pregnant, figuring out how to process that, and new to the Atlanta area. I wanted to find my purpose, and was hoping to use my blog to find more purpose in the mundane days of life. My content has changed a lot as well, but I feel like it has just grown as I have grown.
Nicole |
From a beloved follower of yours from nearly the beginning, I needed to need this beautiful sentiment of yours this morning. First off, congrats on 5 years! You're so committed and I thank you bc you're blog is like a breath of fresh air to read and a moment in time to necessary when I need to step away from the chaos of life. Always a bit of humor, realness and fun here.
I'm feeling tired exhausted and a bit lonely as a SAHM of 4 yrs with a 3.5 yo and 16.5 mon daughters, cat and dog here in the Bay Area in CA. And it's been a tough few days, lots of tears, bickering with the hubs, so thank you for the real sense of connectedness this morn. I know I not alone and this too shall pass. Cheers to mamas across the world. (And to your new house, ekks!) we are all waiting for that evite slumber party invitation! Haha!
I was literally just thinking about this yesterday afternoon and started to re-read your blog from the beginning. It's funny because I remember where I was at in my life when I started reading your blog (~Nov/Dec 2012 because I can remember all the holiday posts!) and I can remember different things that were going on in my life when I read some of your posts, and how I was inspired by them in one way or another (Literally, you have inspired some of my life decisions – such as the puppy party we're throwing for my daughter's birthday this weekend!). Also, how to this day, I catch myself telling people about this idea I got from "my friend, Jessica" because it sounds such much less creepy than "this girl who's blog I stalk." Lol. Anywho thank YOU for all that you've given US over the past five years – the laughs, the cries, tons and tons of inspiration and the virtual friendship!
I have been reading your blog since you started and you constantly make me laugh, inspire me creatively and are totally going through the same things I am with my 4 and 2 year old! I look forward to your posts to get me through my week as a stay at home mom 🙂 Congrats on 5 years!!!
Thank you for letting us into your life! You blog is such a fun place and something that I always look forward to. I've loved watching your blog style evolve and posts change as you and your family grow. Congrats, girl! 🙂
Congrats on five years! I feel like I've grown up right along side of you since I started reading five years ago…which means I used to say fuck a lot and now I have three kids as well 😉 love having a blog I have been able to relate to all along the way
Jessica, you're such an inspiration!! I've been following from the very beginning and oddly enough I just re-read your whole blog a couple weeks ago! Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your life with us and keeping it REAL!! You're amazing mama! Cheers!?
I couldn't have said this better myself! I'm also a sahm of a 4 and 2 year old.
Awesome blog!! Cheers to 5 years 🙂
I have been here since the beginning! I remember I found your blog via the good ol' chalkboard Pinterest posts! We were both pregnant with our firsts at the same time, you a few months ahead of me. I loved reading your pregnancy updates in anticipation(or maybe some fear) of what I had coming. I've loved following along, thanks for giving us a glimpse into your family life!
I've been following your blog since nearly the beginning after I saw one of your pregnancy chalkboards on pinterest. At the time, just a few people I knew were expecting babies and it was interesting to read and see what you were going through. Once I found out I was pregnant 3 years ago, your pregnancy blogs became the most relatable thing on the Internet! I love following you and seeing all of your adventures in mommy hood with my own. Congrats on 5 years!!
GIRL! I've been following you ever since and I think we might be twins, although I don't have kids YET. you are my spirit animal and I just adore your creativity, words, and ability to throw it all out there! can't wait to have kiddos and then I will be referencing ALL of it from the start…again!
you're the best jessica!! i saw you on pinterest YEARS ago and have followed you ever since. your posts make me giggle and bring light to my days, and for that i am grateful. please don't ever stop! xoxoxo
Wow how time flies! Like others, I started following your blog when I found your super cute pregnancy chalkboard posts on Pinterest. At that point, I had gone through a few miscarriages, dreaming of the day when I could track my own pregnancy. In the mean time, I started following your blog and have been obsessed ever since. I now have a 3 year old and a 15 month old and absolutely love being able to relate to your posts on so many levels.Thank you for sharing your story with all of us and for making us mommies feel a little less crazy (or for not feeling bad about saying fuck too many times ;-)). Congrats to 5 years!
What a wonderful post! I have been reading along since you were pregnant with Harper & I was pregnant with my first, crazy how fast the time has flown!!! (It seriously feels like a few months ago I was reading Harper's birth story and counting down til my first was due!!) I've loved following your journey & think that it's amazing how true to yourself & humble you have stayed, even a gazillion questions later about paint color, iced coffee recipes and everything else under the sun 😉 Cheers to you mama, what a fast five years it has been!!!
Congratulations!! I've loved all your blog posts since I came across you through Pinterest because I loved your bump pictures with the chalkboard sign! I love watching your family grow and those three beautiful angels of yours always put a smile on my face. Thank you for sharing your life and family with all of us and here's to many many more years of blogging and happiness!
Congrats on 5 years!!!!!!! I have been a beloved follower from the VERY beginning…and as if you aren't busy, I have caught myself a few times thinking, "darn! she didn't blog yet today!" HA! You have inspired so many, including myself to try new things and how to make the best venture of motherhood I can, with many laughs a long the way 🙂 Thank you for everything you do for this blog and making us all smile!! <3 Lots of love from Minnesota!!!!!
Happiest 5 years! You're amazing! Blogging is hard & you're a champ!
Congratulations Jessica! I found you on Pinterest when you did the monthly bump chalk boards for Harper and have been following ever since! You are inspiring Mama and always seem to say the right words on the days I need to hear that message! If we lived in the same city I'd totally take you up on that too much wine night 🙂 Thanks for sharing with us and best of luck with the new house-can't wait to see your touch when it's all done!
As someone who has read your blog from the start, and got immense joy out of your many f bombs, I have to say that what I most enjoy is your honesty.
Life isn't perfect, houses get trashed, kids have their moments where you rethink the whole patent deal, but you actually speak about it. People relate. I relate.
Wishing you much happiness in your new home with your beautiful family. I can't wait to see what you do!
Congratulations for five years! So grateful I found you shortly after you started blogging. I have loved watching your babies grow up and your new posts have been highlights of my week.
I can't recall how I found your blog almost 5 years ago, but I'm glad I did. Keep on blogging, mama!
Happy five blog-years!! You are incredible!
I stumbled upon your blog when you only had 2 or 3 posts and I've been hooked ever since. I've loved reading and seeing your family grow. And now that I have my own little baby girl I can appreciate your posts so much more.
Cheers to 5 years, thanks for letting us be a part of it!
I cannot believe it has been 5 years! I started reading when you were pregnant with Harper and I love coming to your page for a good laugh, beautiful photos, some creative project, and some REAL life stories that show ALL aspects of motherhood (not just the pretty stuff). Three cheers to five years :)(Mayday Parade?!)
Congrats!!! I started reading when I was hoping for a baby of my own and in the meantime got pregnant around your 2nd pregnancy…. Now wishing for my second one 🙂 Thanks for sharing so much of you! Best wishes!
Congratulations on 5 years! I've been following since you were pregnant with Harper and my biggest was a toddler. I can't believe how much time has passed. Thank you for sharing and being so true and generous. Cheers to the next 5, 10, 15, etc.!
Congrats on 5 years! I've been silently following along for 3 years as I've had 2 babies of my own. I first landed on your page by looking for monthly bump pic inspiration. 🙂 thank you for being a bright spot on the Internet.
I feel terrible that as a blogger you're exposed at times to criticism that's unfair and insensitive. Thanks for keeping at it and not letting it ruin a great thing.
Wow, 5 years! I have followed since the beginning and you are still the first blog I open everyday! You are an inspiration in so many ways! You're hilarious and real and I think if we lived close by (I'm in Ottawa) we would totally be BFFs! Cheers to your blog! You know you can never stop posting, like ever, right?!!!
I've been following since before Harper was born and being overly excited that you picked that name – it's my favourite! And now look at you later, three beautiful girls and an amazing family. Congrats on five years! XO
PS: Your snap response made me fan girl a little bit!!
Congrats! I truly love reading your blog and following you along on IG. I never thought reading someone's else's journey would be such an inspiration to me to be a better mom with such great ideas! Thank you! Keep your pics and words coming! 🙂
Congratulations! Can't believe it's been 5 years. When I first started reading you were pregnant with harper and I was a newlywed. Now we're expecting our second baby! Still get excited with every new post. Thank you for all the inspiration you provide and for sharing your life with us!
Happy Blogiversary, girl! I've been reading for around 4 of the 5 years and I have enjoyed getting to know you and watching you grow as a Mommy. If I had to pick my top favorite blogs of all time yours would definitely be in the top 3. Can't wait to see what the next year holds!
Thank you for writing the blog for the last 5 years! It's been one of my favorites and is a must read every (almost) day! Thank you for your honest posts and creative ideas!
I can't believe its been 5 years that I have been following your journey. Your blog is my absolute favorite BY FAR!! I love how genuinely honest you are about normal everyday things and the hilarious stories you tell about your kids. You are very inspiring- keep it going!!
Congratulations on your 5 years!!! I got to your blog just a year ago when I was just 2 months pregnant. You gave me so many good advices on your pregnancy posts, and even inspired me to start my own blog about my pregnancy and motherhood. Thank you for your all your cute details about life and for sharing all your happy moments and struggles.
For many more years of blogging, congrats girl!!
Carolina MJ |
And thank you. I've been reading your blog from the very beginning (although I almost never comment)…I've been inspired by you on so many different occasions. My son turned two in February and its really neat to see him grow along side your little ones. I had a miscarriage soon after I started reading your blog, and watching you with Harper gave me the strength to get through and try again. I just love your sense of humor and outlook on life. Thank you for letting us into your life, and teaching us along the way. – Rachel
I've never been able to comment before because I didn't have a google account. I was so excited to see you on Facebook and Instagram and so enjoy following you on insta! I have followed you from the very beginning and I haven't missed a blog post. I get made fun of by one of my best friends because I refer to your family by first name so she gets a crack out of me talking about y'all like I know your family 🙂
I remember stumbling across your bump posts with the chalkboard when I we first pregnant in 2012 and I totally did the chalkboard thing for both my littles.
I've cried, laughed, and have been excited through the many posts that you share. I think the one that stood out to me as seriously the most hilarious was when y'all stayed in a hotel with Harper and it was a shit show. Lol
I love reading your blog and am so excited for your new adventure!
Five years! Amazing! I've followed you from the start when I found your cute bump pics on Pinterest. Definitely feel like you're an old friend. I've had some serious connection to your posts and gotten some seriously fun ideas from you (whattup Christmas vacation drinking game)! Thanks for five years of fun…keep it up! Sending you a virtual cheers, wish I could take you up on that glass of wine!
I've been following since before Harper and love your blog. It's one of very few that actually feels real and not contrived. I just had my first little girl and appreciate your stories about your girls even more now. Your stories make me laugh and remember that parenting is so so messy and exhausting but so beautiful at the same time.
I've been reading from the start and so happy you let us peek into your life! I especially live for your Fall and holiday posts. Soon!! Thanks for blogging and keep it up! I'm pretty sure I've read every post and now that I have a baby girl, I even go back to old posts for inspiration!
Happy 5 years! I've been following along since the beginning. You always make me laugh! Love reading a blog I can relate to! Totally did the chalkboards for both my pregnancies. ? Cheers from WI!
Hanging out with you is DEF on my bucket list lol. I will never EVER forget the day I stumbled across your blog about a week before I had my C-section (you were about 2 months post op with Harper). I was on bed rest and I read the whole thing from beginning to current in one sitting. Then I read it again haha. I knew we were meant to be friends! You have inspired me in so many ways and gave me the courage I needed to embark on this motherhood journey with a positive outlook (I was petrified and a little – lot bummed I had to have a c-section). In any case, keep it up because your blog is awesome!!!!!
I have loved following your blog since you were pregnant with Harper, and eagerly await each new post! As a fellow Iowa-grown girl (although, I'm an Iowa State fan through and through 🙂 ), I've truly connected with your blog! Even though I don't have kids of my own yet, I can't wait to comb through all your motherhood and pregnancy related posts once the time comes for me. Thank you for always being so honest, and for making me laugh out loud-loudly!-with your posts! Cheers to our home state-God's country-and another 5 (hopefully more) years!
I've been with you since day one and I'm so grateful for your sharing your life. I discovered your blog via the Pinterest chalkboard pictures that I pinned to a "baby one day" board (little did I know I'd find out we were pregnant within weeks of that). I read every post religiously while I was pregnant and I feel it prepared me for motherhood in a humorous and relatable way. Your beautiful, yet unfiltered approach to life is inspiring! Though we've never met, or even talked, I feel like you're a dear friend. Can't wait for 5 more years of blogging and wish you and your precious family all the best.
Cheers to all things pumpkin coming soon!
@amanda.blakeley ����
Cheers all the way from Germany ! I found your blog via Instagram, when I was pregnat with my daughter last summer and I've been folowing you since that day! You are an inspiration and such a great mom! You have halped more than youll ever know! CHEERS!
I love your blog and have followed it ever since I was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago. I often find myself looking back through old posts from when Harper was my daughters age to get inspiration for meals, holiday festivities, schedules, etc. Thank you for sharing your life with us and keeping motherhood so real!
I'd love tips on how you find time to keep up with blogging. So many time I swear to myself I will keep at it and before I know it, months have gone by….and I only have ONE child. Maybe I'll make it work once Baby #2 comes along in November… Haha! One can only hope! 🙂 Happy Blogging, my friend! You rock!
Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for about four years now, and I'm a total fan girl! I love your chalkboards, honesty, and style! Thank you for your candidness and openness to the internet!
Firstly, CONGRATS on five years! The only thing I've ever managed to do for that long is love my husband, and that didn't take nearly as much effort as a blog does. ? I first found your page while driving from Florida back to jWisconsin, just days before you had Harper. I spent the rest of the ride literally going back and reading your posts from the beginning. It was like finding a good show on Netflix that had three seasons out & ready for binging. I've been hooked ever since. I refer to you as my "mommy blog," and I love reading so much. We have a difference of opinion every once in a great while, but I otherwise identify with you so much. I love coming here and knowing I'm not alone. The struggle is real, and finding fellow mamas like you make it a little easier. ? Congrats again!
Firstly, CONGRATS on five years! The only thing I've ever managed to do for that long is love my husband, and that didn't take nearly as much effort as a blog does. ? I first found your page while driving from Florida back to jWisconsin, just days before you had Harper. I spent the rest of the ride literally going back and reading your posts from the beginning. It was like finding a good show on Netflix that had three seasons out & ready for binging. I've been hooked ever since. I refer to you as my "mommy blog," and I love reading so much. We have a difference of opinion every once in a great while, but I otherwise identify with you so much. I love coming here and knowing I'm not alone. The struggle is real, and finding fellow mamas like you make it a little easier. ? Congrats again!
Your's is the first blog I ever read and introduced me to the whole blogging world and I'm so thankful! In fall 2011 I was in my first trimester glued to the couch and found you (and your chalkboards) on Pinterest and I was hooked. My son is just a few months younger than Harper. Your blog will always be my fave. I appreciate all of your cute ideas and somehow you keep coming up with more and not in an annoying way! ha! I think we all feel like we're bff's with you because you're so real. Thanks for continuing to bring us along on your adventures!
I found your blog on Pinterest in 2013 when I first found out I was pregnant. It has been so fun to follow along and watch Harpie grow up (and Claire and Ellie too :)). I've learned a lot of new things and found new places to shop (lol) from your blog. Thanks for sharing your life! xoxoxoxoxoxo
i don't have any children, but i have been following your blog religiously for the past 3+ years. thank you for your honesty – good, bad & the ugly! it's an inspiration to see you & your family through all aspects of life, and get through it all. i hope to one day emulate your creativity, hard work, and dedication as a wife, mother and woman!
I don't remember exactly when I started reading, but it was when Harper was a baby. Like a show that you want to start watching during season 3, I went back and read a lot of your old posts and binge read! I love your style. Your home, your clothes, how you mother and wife, all of it! Thank you for letting us in and sharing so much.
Happy 5 years! I started reading your blog a few years ago and let me tell you girl, IT SAVES ME ON A DAILY BASIS! No joke. I'm a mom to a wild, blonde haired, crazy, has no fear, rotten 2 year old and she fills my life with more love than I could have ever imagined. The first thing I look for when I open my email daily is your blog 🙂 It just starts my day off right. I don't like many blogs but yours….yours dear is REAL. Real life! The life of a mom! And I just love that about you. No sugar coating whatsoever. Thank you! Thank you for letting me know I'm not the only mom going thru life like this. That i'm not failing with my daughter, my husband or myself. Bless you for having the courage to share your life with the world and for the support you give people daily. You are a light this world could use more of 🙂 Thanks again dear! <3
Best line ever: (I mean had no kids, and said fuck a lot)
I totally know what you mean about connecting with people you've never met…I started my blog for similar reasons having just moved to Tahoe and wanting that outlet. Love this space and so glad we're friends!! XO
THIS!! ^^^^. Yes!!!! I always say "my friend". I even have another friend hooked and our husbands tease us when we start talking about Jessica like she's one of our BFFs. I was ecstatic when I found the snap chat bc I don't have to wait for an email notification to let me know another post is up ??
I started following in July of 2012 and it feels like last week! Congrats and thank you!!!
Thank you for sharing your world with us. I feel like I know you to some extent, as if you are a friend, but you don't know me. I appreciate all your posts about being a mom, and the ones that make us all feel like we aren't alone when life with children isn't always perfect. I have two daughters: a 3 year old and an 8 month old, and have followed you since Harper was a baby. Thank you!!
Your blog was one of the first I ever started reading! I got hooked when I was pregnant with my first and your oldest was still an infant. I loved your monthly favorites posts, they gave me fun shopping ideas for my little one (although I have boys and I secretly wished every time you were pregnant that you were having a boy too!!). Blogs like yours helped me stay distracted and keep my eyes on the prize as I went through weeks of bedrest and misery while pregnant. It has been so fun to watch your girls grow up, I feel like I know you and them! (creepy but true.) Thanks for sharing, oversharing, and being real!!
I found you(that sounds creepy)on Pinterest years ago and when I clicked on your picture I wanted to see more of your chalkboards and I loved your appreciation for holidays. There's a picture of Harper, maybe it was her 1st Xmas in different colored tights and an adorable tutu. I found your blog, followed along then came Eloise who's a few months younger then my daughter. I have def lol on a lot of your posts. Thank you for keeping it real and I'm not going to lie I've used your captions on a lot of my own pics for my daughter. I've watched your girls play on snapchat and my daughter says "Mommy, I go there".
Congrats to 5 years and I can't wait to follow along on your next journey…..the house, my husband and I just moved into ours in September.
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Lovely Jessica,
I am Jenny from Berlin/Germany. I have been reading along since you were pregnant with Harper. I have to say, I don't understand the whole pots always, because my english is not so good. But I often understand the feeling behind the pots and that is the reason why I follow you and your sweet girls since 5 years! You are a beautiful, funny and creative mama! Congrats on 5 years!!!
Happy Blogiversary!! Wow, 5 years. That's amazing! I think I've been following along from the beginning, ever since I found your very first chalkboard on Pinterest. I don't always comment but I love to read and follow along and love your inspiration, your writing, and your honesty. I love the way your blog has evolved and it's one of my favorites to read. Cheers to 5 years!
Yay! Love your blog!! I've been reading since you had Harper. Keep going mama! 🙂
I've been following since your pregnant days with Harper. I use to follow a ton of blogs but now that I'm a mom of 2 small kids I ain't got time for that. But yours- yours I still check and miss when I haven't seen it in awhile. I could kiss your face for the Anyhropology jeans recommendation you gave at Christmas time!!! Cheers to you and your lovely family
Jessica you're amazing! The laughs and tears I've had for the last five years have been amazing! My daughter is a few months older than Harper and until I found your blog I felt lost. Thank you for everything!
I'm a long time reader of your blog. I love the honesty and humor in your posts. Thanks for sharing your life. Congrats on five years!
I am a long time reader of your blog. I love the honesty and humor in your posts. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Congrats on 5 years!
Keep up the inspiration! Cheers to five years and more to come!
This is so sweet! I am a mom of 2 (2 year old boy & 11 month old girl) & my happy place includes unwinding with a cocktail (or 3) after the kids are in bed while reading blogs; I often check yours and am always happy when you have posted something new! Love your creativity, your sense of humor, your style, and like everyone said, your ability to keep it real! And your affinity for Christmas Vacation was an added bonus! I don't know how you accomplish all that you do but thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us! ��
You go girl!! Thank you for doing what you do. I look forward to your posts and can relate to almost everything you say. You're hilarious and amazingly talented. I will die a little inside when you choose to move on from blogging. Haha Congrats to you and your family!
I've been reading your blog since Eloise was a little over a month old. She and Harper (and Claire!) have all growing up so much since then and I can definitely say that you are not the same person that you were two years ago. I've also read a good portion of your older posts and always think about how so much has changed. I've never told you this before, mostly because I just realized it while reading this post, but you actually have inspired me in ways I never could have imagined. Once I actually had a dream that I knew you – it was very odd. Thank you for inspiring me and for writing this blog. I love reading about your girls and seeing how cute they are. Congrats on five years! 🙂
Cheers to 5 yeard and to being a mama that says fuck a lot! You are an awesome mama! Congrats!
Well done on 5 years of great blogging!!! I really enjoy your blog. And ditto on keeping real. Thank you for your insight.
I have loved your blog from the beginning, although I don't comment a whole lot 🙂 Congratulations on five years, and thank you for sharing motherhood in a way that is accessible to all.
Congratulations from Finland (Europe). I have been reading your blog least 4 years. My oldest is soon 3 years old. We are finnish-belgium-french family and me and my husband have lived in the US. I love your blog. You have such a beautifull family and nice home. I hope you will keep blogging!! Xo Hanni-Mari
I've never left a comment on your blog before, but I have been following since a little before you had Harper (so pretty much since you started). At the time I had just started trying to have kids and had a miscarriage. Your blog helped keep me excited about having a baby still and has provided some very relatable content as I have had my kids. So I just wanted to thank you for sharing your life with us. It's a nice place on the internet to visit. =) And your family is so darn adorable
I have been following your blog since Harper was born. I still remember going back through 9 months of unread blog content and devouring it like a good book! Thank you for encouraging me as a mom and a wife as I raise my 2 year old daughter!
I started reading your blog right around when Harper was born. I then went back and devoured the 9 months worth of old content like a good book and have been following ever since! I have a daughter, Norah, who was born around when Eloise was and we are in the middle of selling our house and finding a new place too. I talk about you to my husband and family like you are a friend, they know all about you! I work in an ICU as a nurse and often read your blog on my break. My job is very serious and you put the biggest smile on my face, make me laugh out loud at times and encourage me to be a better mom and wife. I would love to hear more about your marriage relationship and I can't wait to see what the future holds!!
Happy 5 years! I love your blog so much and am so happy you write! I can't wait to have kids someday, you definitely inspire me 🙂
I've been reading along since you were pregnant with Harper, I think I've read nearly every blog post you've written and I've loved and related to every single one. I'm so happy you have continued blogging even though your life has gotten crazier and busier. Congrats on 5 years and all of your success with your blog, you are so deserving! xoxoxo
I don't even have kids, but I've been following your blog for 5 years now! Love your positivity and creativity. Can't believe it's been 5 years! Cheers to 5 years and here's to another 5+ years! <3 Love the new house btw! I'm applying to jobs in Atlanta and would love to meet you if moving there works out!