I turned 31 yesterday, which is hard to believe because I most certainly still feel like a college kid. This year flew by, and they say time will only pass more quickly as you age. It’s funny to think of how old I used to think thirty was (like back when I was sixteen and thirty seemed so old) and now I’m here and it’s not so bad. It’s pretty great actually.
What I thought thirty would be like: wearing mom jeans, driving around in a mini van & having a million kids. Having my shit together, always being on time everywhere & eating kale on a regular basis. Waking up by five, doing zumba & in bed by nine. Strictly drinking sophisticated things like tea & red wine. Saying things like “thirty is the new twenty” and probably cutting my hair short.
What thirty is actually like: loving mom jeans, driving around in a mini van & feeling like I have a million kids. Still completely unorganized, late to (almost) everything & rapping Nicki Minaj on a regular basis. Barely waking up before my kids do, considers vacuuming an acceptable form of exercise & stays up way past bedtime watching netflix & drinking margaritas. Fueled by iced coffee & creativity. Feeling incredibly blessed and thankful for my amazing husband, sweet babies & the rest of our family & friends who make our world go round.
Thirty was good & I am so excited and optimistic about the rest of this decade. Thank you ALL so much for the birthday wishes, I am so grateful for all of you & this little community. XO
PS. This dress, to everyone who asked about it on my Instagram, I bought it a few months ago to wear to a wedding later this summer & wanted to break it in for my bday! Sadly it has been sold out for a while, but I found a bunch of similar styles for anyone who is interested!! Also my bag is by Cult Gaia (Brandon makes fun of it and calls it the birdcage) & my shoes are these in Mushroom.
Happy birthday!! Welcome to 30’s. I’m right there with you – I still feel like I’m in college. Unless I stay up late acting like a college student, then I def feel my real age the next day. Ha! That dress IS beautiful! I’ll have to check out some of the look-a-likes. Love it! Cheers to 30!
You’re a mama of three and you still look like a college girl. Nothing better than that!!! Also, you look beautiful in that dress. 🙂
I’ve been following you for awhile, and your style is adorable! Not to mention your little girls. I’m a mom of two girls, and it’s so much fun!! You might get this a lot but I’d love for you to look at my website linked below!! I sell a jewelry line called jBloom! Lots of cute pieces along with personalized pieces!! Take a look and let me know if you are interested. I can help you design something too!! Thank so much!!
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I love your dress and outlook on life.
Happy birthday! That dress looks so pretty on you, I can see why people would ask you about it. My mema used to have a summer purse just like that so I’ve thought of her every time I’ve seen some one carrying one this spring- so cute.
Happy birthday! That dress looks so pretty on you, I can see why people would ask you about it. My mema used to have a summer purse just like that so I’ve thought of her every time I’ve seen some one carrying one this spring- it’s making a cute comeback.
I agree, 30’s aren’t THAT bad, although admittedly for my 36th birthday last month all I asked for were 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep (spoiler alert: I did not receive my wish). Great post, love following along with your blog and hope you had a great day!
Love this. I just turned 30 last December and my best friend just turned 30 on Monday and we’ve been having lots of talks about what 30 feels like. I think it feels amazing and you are proof of that! 30 feels like 20 plus more confidence and people take you more seriously. When I was doing parent-teacher conferences at 26 the parents looked at me like I was a kid myself! 31 looks beautiful on you!
I recently sprung for this bag and love it! My husband calls it a picnic basket :)-
Hi, been following your blog for a while. I had no idea we shared the same birthday. I turned 30 !! 🙂
I turned 31 April 5th and I completely agree with both of your lists… except I thought that at 31 I would drive a BMW (not a mini van), that I would have a hot body, and that my IG followers would pass the 1000s . Of course these are a few examples on my list. Well, not one single thing happened on April 5th! I still have my fat belly, I love my Ford Expedition but no BMW yet, and my feed reads 320something followers. Bummer. We can only be thankful for 31 years and hope for he best in future years… there is always 40. ??
*and hope for the best in future years.
Ooh I’d like to know the similar dresses hat you found! Side note: I adore you 🙂