I know the blog has been a little quiet lately, mostly because our days are busier than ever & I am in bed by nine which is typically the only time I have to blog. I have been insanely tired, mostly disgusted by coffee again this pregnancy which doesn’t help, so I am looking forward to having a little energy back as I roll into the second trimester. I have been craving fish & watermelon. And naps.
So thank you all very much for your kind words on my Instagram post (you can follow along @jlgarvin), all of your comments & well wishes were very much appreciated!! We felt the love & hope you all know how much it means to us!! Cheers to an exciting, adventurous & amazing New Year!! I sincerely wish you all the best & may all of your wishes for 2015 come true! XO
So exciting! Very happy for you, and praying for you in the coming year. Also will be anxiously awaiting the news on gender! How awesome that they can tell you so early on! Here in PA, we always have to wait til 20 weeks– they only do one ultrasound in this state! Not good when you're impatient 😉 Happy New Year, and best wishes to the Garvins!
We had a very high heart rate and our little man is all boy! 😉 excited to hear if you will be having a he or a she!
So so so happy for you guys!! I have loved following your family's journey since your pregnancy with Harper!! Congrats pretty mama!!
Congratulations!! I was due on July 4th last year, but our little guy didn't make his debut until July 12! Good luck!
SURPRISE! Yay for a happy healthy new baby!
My son had a heart rate close to 180 until the end of my pregnancy, so we were shocked when he was a boy! I grew up as the middle of 3 sisters, and it was a blast, but as a mother to a little boy, I hope you get that. There is no bond quite like the mother/son bond! Congrats!
So exciting! But how do you get to find out gender so early?! I'm jealous! My doctor makes me wait until 19 weeks. I'm preg with baby numero 3 right now, I'll have three under three, so the 'ol "you'll have your hands full!" is something I get told daily. Congrats Garvin fam!
So exciting! Congrats!
I am also due on the 4th of July! I'm so excited to read your blog as your pregnancy continues!!
Hooray for more Garvins!
So super excited for you guys! I've been an avid-every week checking-follow of yours since before Harper–which I am sure is the case for most. Looking forward to finding out what babe #3 is and praying for a healthy pregnancy! Looking forward to keeping along with this one as well. Happy New Year! 🙂
Aw, so excited for all of you! Happy New Year!
Congratulations!!! 🙂 Happy New Year to you and your family <3
Congrats!!! Can't wait to find out what you're having, I've been following since you were pregnant with Harper and your kids are so cute, I'm sure this one will be just as cute!! Prayers and well wishes for a healthy pregnancy!! Congrats again!!
So so happy for you and your family! Excited to read all about this new pregnancy as I have been following since Harper was a baby!
How exciting! Congratulations and happy 2015!
Congratulations again! I was so excited to see your announcment! I'm due with baby #2 in May. And it's a boy. His heart rate was 184 @12 weeks. And then 165 at 18. So just because its a high heart rate doesn't always mean a girl. I'm so excited to see pregnancy posts! Xoxo best wishes & a happy new years!
Congrats! I'm so envious…i'm dying to have baby #3!!! But my hubby is not on board!!! Enjoy! A new baby will be amazing!
Congratulations! The absolute BEST surprise!
That's so so exciting! And the 4th of July due date is perfect for you…maybe the baby will come on the 3rd and will be born on 4th of July EVE?! I'm so excited to follow along with your newest adventure. I am due in May and have LOVED reading about all of your creativity with your girls since you were pregnant with Harper. I can't wait to get more baby ideas from your blog soon!
Congrats!! I've read your blog since your pregnancy with Harper. My daughter is around the same age as her. And I am now pregnant with our second and due June 28,2015! I look forward to reading your blog during this pregnancy as I will be pregnant as well! Yay for 2015 babies!!
Yay!!! What a great way to start off the New Year! Our first baby was born July 6th! In California…that means nice warm weather and pool season in full swing 🙂 Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby #3!
Congrats! I too had my last one due in July and she was our unexpected blessing! I now have 3 kids under 3! You will rock it!
So happy for you guys! This was my first Christmas with a baby (girl! Wohoo!), and I am now just waiting for all our friends to get knocked up! That's why I just love and appreciate your blog–even though we've never met, I love that you share your experience as a mommy. From sleeping schedules to monthly favorites, I always check out your blog for advice 🙂
So happy to see your little family expanding, and I wish you all the best!
I'm eight months pregnant with our first boy (we have a 16 month old little girl) and his HR was actually higher than our little girl's so you never know! Our little man was a surprise as well but I'm told after the first couple couple months of crazy, you will love having them so close together in age:)) Let's hope that's true! ::cheers!:: ;))
I'm due in Feb with baby 2 and let me just tell you this pregnancy was way different then my first and they are both girls. I guessed it was another girl by the heart rate and low and behold lol! I would love to see you experience life with a boy! Well wishes and healthy pregnancy to you and I can't wait to see all the fun new updates for 2015!!
Love the photo announcement! Congratulations! Can't wait to hear if it is a boy or girl.
She didn't find out the gender- she said the tech guessed, based on the baby's heartrate, which is an old wive's tale. You can find out gender as early as 11-12 weeks by taking a new blood test liek Materniti21.
Congratulations! I haven't been able to drink coffee this pregnancy but I find that coffee bean and tea leafs cherry blossom green tea gives me almost as much energy as coffee but boy do I miss coffee. Maybe that would work for you.
OMG I'm pregnant too, due in August. I'm SO excited we I get to be pregnant along side my fave blogger!
Hooray! Many congrats on new baby Garvin! Wishing you a breezy and healthy pregnancy!
Congratulations!! Can't wait to follow along!!!
Congrats! I have a little girl, who is also named Ellie, that was born July 5th! And a little boy born 14 months later in September ! We also have a biggest boy who is 5 🙂 good luck with three! It will get crazy but as you know it's rewarding and wonderful! Can't wait to follow you through this pregnancy and your new adventures with 3!
wow congrats!!! super exciting!
I am sooo happy for you guys!! Your so good about blogging, I dont feel its been silent at all! I've been following since day 1 🙂
Happy new years! No champagne for you! 🙁
Secretly hoping you have a BOY! 😉
Congrats! I would love to read a blog post about how and when you shared the news with your friends and family. To me, that stuff is equally as exciting!
Congrats! I am a few days ahead of you due on the 1st with my 1st. So excited to follow our pregnancies together!!
Congratulations! What a wonderful holiday blessing for your family!
Can't wait to find out girl or boy!
xo Rachel
You two are setting the bar pretty high!! 3 babies 3 & under….makin' it look easy! Congrats! Can't wait to find out what you're having 🙂
The heart rate doesn't have any relation to the sex of the baby; the heart rate is always higher earlier in pregnancy.
I'm so excited to follow another pregnancy!! I'm hoping for a boy! I just had my first baby 5 weeks ago, it's been such an amazing journey watching this little guy grow!
How exciting! I was totally shocked by your post today since I have not been on Instagram in a day or so. Praying for you, the new little babe and your sweet family. 2015 is gonna be awesome fun!
Congratulations!! Love the announcment too!
Yay! Congratulations!!!! Love the picture! My Evie was a July baby too. So fun! 🙂
Congrats!! I'm due June 28th and hope this little one (we don't find out for another 5 weeks the gender) doesn't wait until July 4th to show up.
Just so thrilled for you and your sweet little family! And don't you just love all the questions about what you want/hope for in the gender?? Like you have any control over that! Sheesh! I'm excited to find out nonetheless and can't wait to follow along! You're a rockstar!! xx
wow! absolutely adorable announcement pic- of course! looking forward to following along on your adventure with 3!! I just had my second and am loving and adjusting to life with 2! congrats to you and your fam!
Congrats! We had high heart rates too with our little man 🙂 ALL BOY!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see what baby number 3 is!
That's amazing, and love the announcement!
Amazing!!!! Congratulations!!
Oh my word, I commented on Instagram, but I don't think it properly conveyed my excitement. I'm so excited for you guys and surprise baby's are the best (little miss Emma was and she has been the best thing for me ever!) Happy 2015 to the Garvins! 🙂 Thanks for continuing to share a glimpse into your life with us!
Congratulations!!!!!!! I follow along with your blog and look forward to each and every post. I had my first baby (a girl) on 4/19 this past year so it was fun following along with your pregnancy with Eloise 🙂 My sister and I are 14 months apart and we both LOVED it!!! Always someone to play with and to this day we are still best friends! Can't wait to find out what you're having 🙂 xx
Congratulations. You have a beautiful family and having a third must be so exciting. I had a July 4th due date with my daughter back in the day and she arrived July 1st. We joke the fireworks are for her birthday! Can't wait to hear what he/she will be! Cheers to a healthy pregnancy and a very happy 2015!
It's surely fate that if a baby was to be born on a holiday (especially Fourth of July), it would be yours. I'd love to see you have a boy – to even out the playing field, of course, but I think my ovaries are telling me it's another girl. 4:1. Wow. Biggest Congratulations!!! 2015 is going to be THE year!
Ahh!! I'm so excited for you guys!! I love that you go straight to the positive because I think it would be easy to feel overwhelmed and voice that instead. I'm excited to keep reading 🙂 Congrats Garvin family!
loved that the vibe of this post was different, felt so honest and open! Congratulations (& good luck!) with this pregnancy! love checking in once in a while to see what you're up to. also, very cute announcement!
I had a feeling this announcement was coming and I am so pumped that it did! My first pregnancy was during your second. My little girl and your sweet E are just a couple weeks apart and my second is due June 28th! So exciting to have babes so close together and another pregnancy that corresponds with yours! Congratulations!
Congrats on the new baby! That is so exciting, especially being a 4th of July baby! My daughter was born on July 3rd and it is so much fun having her birthday so close to a fun holiday.
HUGE congratulations! What an exciting event to look forward to in 2015! Cheers!
I think it's a little ridiculous how excited I am about this Can't wait to read about this pregnancy journey! Love to your family!! xx
This is so, so very exciting! Love the baby announcement. It couldn't be cuter… nor could the girls 😛
ditto to this! My boys are 2 YO and 4 months and you make it seem like a breeze! you will do great with 3!
Congratulations!! I started following your blog when you were pregnant with Harper 🙂 My how things have changed since then! Wishing you and your family the best in 2015!!
XO Kelly
4th of July baby would be cool, but so would the 3rd because then you would have two holiday-eve babies. 🙂
Congratulations again!! I'm glad you're open to either gender! I do have to say that I'm the oldest of three girls and it's a pretty magical dynamic, if that is what you end up with. I always say that my dad is the best feminist I know: we grew up learning how to do all things around the house- from cooking to mowing to building things. We're very well-rounded. 😉 I am sure you're going to love how it turns out either way!
Congratulations! What a cute announcement!
Congratulations! I'm currently 19 weeks with baby #2 and my symptoms have been completely different than with my 18 month old daughter. Found out way earlier (I was 10.5 weeks before finding out with my daughter), major morning sickness to where I had to take meds which I had zero with Vivian and couldn't eat anything during my first trimester. I thought for sure we were having a boy until finding out today we are having another little girl. Very exciting! Congrats again on baby #3. Life will be even more exciting for you guys!!
Yay! So happy for you guys! 😉 Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for you!
Seriously so exciting. And so bummed you are still having that grossed out by coffee feeling. Maybe try some tea for caffeine? Congrats again! We should get the girls together soon. Maybe Ava will actually act excited to have a new girl friend during and not after we leave…she did the same thing when we ran into Brandon and Harper at the park. 😉
Congrats!! Can't wait for the news if boy or girl!! First trimester tiredness is the worst. We have a homedaycare and that made it even worse so I imagine with 2 kiddos is about the same! best wishes and tons of blessings for this new year!
OMGSH!!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I am crying right now haha and I don't even know you!!! Babies are so exciting and you make such a great mama!!! Thanks for sharing your journey with all of us! I am happy to be following along!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
Aw, Congratulations!!! This seriously made my day. I have been following you since you were pregnant with Harper and I am so excited for your family! I cannot wait to see what 2015 brings for you guys <3
Congratulations! Can't wait to follow this pregnancy 🙂 Xx
Such a blessing! (this picture totally reminds me of the ALL LITTLE GIRLS ARE PRINCESSES line, which is in fact truth!) YAY YAY YAY! So happy for you!
Congratulations! Boys are awesome! I have a 16 month old boy and love every minute with him. But I am currently pregnant with a little girl and am super excited to experience having a little girl. My due date is June 8th so I am just ahead of you in my pregnancy. 🙂
What a darling little family you have.
That is so exciting!!! I wish you a smooth and easy pregnancy!!!:) I always look forward to your posts and pictures, they are so fun and always beautiful
Great news! I have the same due date!! 🙂
Congrats on the baby news! I had to comment because I am due any day now with a baby boy and all I craved the first and second trimester was watermelon and fish! Our baby boy also had a high heart rate, so you never know! Love reading your blog and can't wait to see what you end up having!
Beyond excited for you!!! Huge surprise I'm sure (I have two kids the same ages as your girls)! I literally went to show my husband your instagram post! Amazing btw! Love your blog! Congrats again!
Brittany (instagram @glitterandsweatpants)
Congrats!! So excited for you. Hoping you're still doing the chalkboards! 🙂
Soooo very excited for you guys!!! And a festive due date?!? How perfect for you!!! Can't wait to follow along with another pregnancy 🙂
Oh, how exciting!!! I too have been reading since you were pregnant with Harper. My little baby's heart is nice and fast, but he's a boy so sometimes they keep you guessing until the results come in. Congratulations Jess!!!
Yay! Congrats!! We have 2 girls about the same age as your 2 and I'm honestly a bit jealous. I hope you get some energy back soon!
Ahh so exciting!!! I've followed you since right after Harper was born. We have a Harper bornMarch 20 2012 and they are so much alike!!, then we welcomed baby 2 this past August, a little boy named Hinton 🙂 I got so excited to see this post and will definitely continue to follow, what a blessing!!! 🙂
She said she gets to find out next weeks, which is early.
I saw this picture and literally wanted to cry bc I felt excited just like one of my best friends was pregnant! Congrats and what a precious way to show that your expecting Love and Blessings to you all !!! Loving your blog each and everyday!!!
So excited for you guys. I have read your blog for years and rarely comment, but you are one of my favorites! Such a cute announcement and can relate to having our first baby last Feb 2014 and then BB2 is due in May 2015! Whew. Such little blessings and we are having another BOY!
So, so, excited for you & your family! Congrats, Mama!
Glad it's finally blog official. Congratulations! Such a cute announcement. 🙂 Can't wait to read bump dates and see pics. Sure the third child will be just as cute.
So excited for your whole family! I'm due July 14 with my second so I look forward to all your mama and baby items suggestions. I'm craving fish too! My doctor said she never heard that before, at least from someone still in their first trimester when most women are so sick…hahaha. So enjoy…and I look forward to all your fun posts 😉
Congraluations friend!
Congratulations!! So excited for you! I've been following your blog since the first pregnancy. 🙂
Wish I would of thought of this! Cutest ever! So exciting our due dates are only a week and a half apart! Yay for the third babes in July 🙂
Congratulations Garvins!! So happy for you all!!
How great! I don't know how you handle it all…seriously.
Woohoo, big news! Congratulations!
Wow! Congratulations! I'm 19 weeks with our first and it's a little girl! We can't wait! Funny, I've been craving the EXACT same foods and also had an aversion to coffee during my first trimester. No aversions of any kind right now! Such a great surprise!
Dont worry about that heart rate nonsense I felt super different and knew it was a boy, even though his heart rate was higher. Go with your instincts. Congrats either way and welcome to the crazy amazing world of three kids!
Congratulations!!! and that is an adorable picture 🙂
Congratulations!!! I am due just one week ahead of you with my second, and I have the same issue with coffee with my pregnancies!! Such an exciting time for you and your growing family!
My jaw hit the floor when I saw the Instagram post! Then I squealed like a little girl, lol. Congratulations to you all! Being a family of 5 is great. Hard sometimes, yes, but great none the less. I can't wait to find out if you're team pink or team blue this time around. I have boy, girl, boy, myself.
Ah, congratulations! This has to be the cutest pregnancy announcement of 2014 😉 Wishing you and your family all the best, and I can't wait for 2015!
Congratulations!!! SO exciting!
Another baby Garvin!!! How exciting? so happy for you and your family! I can't wait to read about this new journey. Cheers to an amazing and Happy New Year!!!! Xo Tiffany
Congrats to your family! I love how the due date is a holiday! Can't wait to see if its a boy or girl!
Pretty sure she's referring to the fact that they get to find out next week- which is still very early compared to most.
SO excited for you all!!!! xoxoxo
HOLY SHIT MAMA!!!!! yay yay yay I couldn't be happier for you and your beautiful family…and O'm sorry for the profanity, but I think my mouth is on the floor… SO excited to watch this journey unfold for yall and I cannot wait to hear if you're getting another darling girl or venturing to the world of a boy. And yes, I will totally be following along to figure out if I can manage 3 (if I can convince Jeff) haha LOVE!!
Oh my goodness! What a happy surprise! Congratulations!!! Happy New Year, indeed!
Congrats! Your announcement is adorable!
Best adventure for 2015! I wish you all the best and many good luck! My birthday is on 4th on July too and its the best date ever!!!!!!!!!!!! ;o) I'm so excited for you!
Many greetings from Berlin
Blood tests to test for gender are very common. Most women I know all get the blood test. We waited until I was 18 weeks, but most people I know find out between 11 and 13 weeks via blood test.
Congrats !! It is hard to believe that I have been following along with your blog since before Harper was born. You're such a great mom- so creative & fun with everything you do! Call me crazy, but I seriously look forward to your posts every week. I hope that you will still keep blogging throughout this pregnancy & when baby garvin #3 comes along. Happy New Year !!!
I shouldn't be as excited as I am that we will be pregnant at the same time, and I'm due just 1 week behind you. Love reading your blog, I've been following since the beginning!
Wow! So exciting!!!! Congratulations!
OMG! so excited for you! was totally like, whhaa?! With a due date like that, and your obsession with holidays, it was destiny for you to be a mommy again!
We have the same due date! So exciting 🙂 I craved watermelon my whole pregnancy when I had my sons so maybe it's a boy 🙂
Cutest announcement ever! Congrats!
Cutest announcement ever – it's already getting copied on Instagram! Such exciting news!! The little ones will love being close in age – although I'm sure it'll be hard in the beginning. Now I have baby fever for another one! I'm almost rooting girl, just because you make such cute little girls! I hope we get to find out in a week too. 😉
SO VERY EXCITING! Our daughter was a total surprise… so much fun to just have it happen! Praying for a healthy baby & mama. Can't wait to see how the next several months unfold!
Awww congrats!!
Congratulations to your growing family!! That's the cutest little picture and I can't help but love that you're due on a holiday, as you're one of the most festive people I "know" lol.
Congrats! I'm personally hoping that you have a boy. 🙂 I started reading your blog when I was pregnant with my son (now 2-years-old!) right before Harper was born. I've been hooked ever since. I would love to see what you would do with a boy (i.e. outfits, nursery). So happy for you!
Oh how awesome!! Another "Little Baby Garvin"! So happy for y'all!
Congrats! What an adorable announcement photo!
SO excited for you and your family! Congrats and Happy New Year!
Congrats again!!! I can't wait to find out boy or girl….either way, they will be the most stylish youngest sibling. 😉
Wow!! Congratulations!
I am so so excited for you! Congratulations! We're expecting #2 the last week in July 🙂
Ohmygod! Congratulations!
I just found out on Christmas that we're expecting our #3 as well 🙂 So so exciting!
Congrats!!! I'm pretty sure I would pass out if I get pregnant with a third!!!!! Another beautiful baby on the way!
Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you & your family.
Amy @ http://nystateofmind5.blogspot.com/
Congrats! How fun! Lots of adventures for 2015… 🙂
Congratulations! I am due with baby #3 June 25! Our first two are boys and we are also finding out in a week! Our 2nd and his baby will also be close in age (17 months!) How fun for me to read along to your blog!
oh, wow! congratulations! and we get it, mama, you're busy. the blog can wait 🙂 i kinda hope it's a girl, because i can't imagine a little boy being bossed around by two big sisters!
So excited for you… We are expecting our first child for July 12th… Love your blog and following your journey… We are from Belgium…
This is soooo adorable! (: love following your blog..your girls are so precious. I am due July 1st! (: Where did you get those shirts?
Congrats! Those shirts are so cute 🙂