Sometimes her cleverness turns into sass & I get a pretty little glimpse into my future as a mom of three teenage girls. She gets her tutus & dress-up shoes taken away if she isn’t being good, but she is sure to find one at the bottom of a toy basket or in her teepee. She came scooting by me the other day with her giant Minnie mouse in front of her to hide the tutu she had on, and when she saw me notice it, she said “Mom, shhhh! I don’t want to hear you tell me one more time that I can’t wear my tutu. Don’t you even tell me. You can just look at Ellie while I go past you. Ok? Good.”
The two of them make each other laugh so hard every day, they already have their own funny little language & love each other so much. Even though Harper smacks Eloise in the head with play pots & pans sometimes, and Eloise occasionally bites Harper’s toes as hard as she can. Little gremlins, I love them so!
Oh my gosh!!! How smart is Harper!!! I love it!!!!
Harper is actually very smart. Her comment about when you were her age, she was your age is quite genius! Technically, she's right. When you were her age, she was also that same age. She is the same age you once had been. I can't even fully explain it, because well, it's just that genius! I love her sass, too! Thank you for sharing your daily stories! I love reading "Harperisms" 🙂
Oh my goodness, they are just too cute! I am also super jealous of the warm weather there! I can't wait to bust out skirts and dresses for my little one.
Kids says the funniest things but the comment about going to the bathroom after her nap last year takes the cake!
Oh man they are cute! I remember when my son started walking that I thought he looked so old and big. But that picture of the two of them holding hands, it just shows how fast they grow and that Eloise is still a baby compared to Harper!
We take away tutus when our medium daughter gets in trouble too. And it works about as well. Lol
I love the picture of the girls holding hands. It would be a great one to zoom in, blow up and frame. The love between sisters.
They really are gorgeous girls!!!
My son is 20 months old and I am pregnant. Don't know how I'm going to manage a toddler and a newborn, a husband, 2 dogs, a house, and a full time job!!!! You truly make it look easy! Love your blog and love that you share your life.
Thank you!!!!
Little gremlins lol
So sweet! I feel like my babe doesn't like being a baby either and it totally rearing to go and wants to walk badly! She's 9 months, and I'm thinking probably within the next month or two she'll be off and running. I can't wait for all the fun that walking opens us up to!
So sweet! Toddlers are crazy with the things they come up with! And how sneaky they THINK they are 😉
This makes me look forward to when my sweet little babe becomes a big sister, one day!
Awwww, so sweet!
This made me smile. Your girls are just so much fun. Being a boy mom to one little guy I am his best friends and it can get exhausting.. but at the end of the day I love every single second of it… happy Easter to you and your family
My two year old does something similar when I catch her doing something she shouldn't be. "Mom, no! Go snuggle on the couch." So sassy but still so cute
I love how they interact, and I absolutely love that last picture, a true portrait of sisterhood 🙂 Can't wait to read about the third baby.
Love this post! You have the most stylish girls ever! Keep it up!
I'm so glad I found your blog, you are already one of my favorite blogs to read. Your daughters are the cutest and so are you!
This is great. I laughed the entire post. My little doesn't talk a lot yet but she has perfected rolling her eyes at the best moments!
Love love love this post
Oh my gosh, they are such characters! Cam always tells me, "We went there LAST year." when it was, like, two days ago. Toddlers are awesome (mostly). I can't even imagine the three of them as teenagers! Start stocking up on the booze now! 🙂
that photo of the two of them holding hands absolutely kills me. my girls are 13 months apart and I cannot wait for them to be kids, instead of just babies!
This is one of my favorite posts ever. They are so funny and adorable. I love hearing other people's cute kid stories. Keep these posts coming please!!! Happy Easter weekend 🙂
So so sweet!!
I love it. I'm convinced my 9 month old also hates being a baby and is ready to take over the world if only her legs would just cooperate. No steps yet, but she's really thinking about it. And my 4 year old is a sass master! Lol. I'm already scared for the teenage years with just my two! I can't imagine three! But I have a friend who has two sisters and they are all grown and the very best of friends now. Lifelong friends!
omg. I can't even. Harper is so darn cute and smart! You must've died laughing when she told you to look at Ellie when she walks by with her sneaky tutu on! LMAO!
Kids say the silliest things. Cat food. Oh gosh. (: I think their bond is so wonderful! I cannot wait to have another and watch them grow. Have a lovely weekend!
Haha Harper is so bright!! You for sure will have your hands full when she's older and you can count on her teaching her ways to her sisters! Lol! 🙂
Oh Harper! Always leaves me laughing! PS I am drooling over those salt water taffy moccs!
Seriously…this is giving me major second baby fever. I love the Toddler tales, and getting a little glimpse into what life might be once we have a second kid around. Also…don't you love that new grassy area at the Avalon!? I seriously want to go hang out there every day when it's nice out!
These posts are my favorite! I love the ones pertaining to the girls and a day in your life as a mom as I stay home with my 14 month old daughter too. 🙂 Have a fabulous Easter!
OMG- they are so stinkin' adorable!! I LOVE it!!!
So cute!! I love their sister love! Xoxo
Oh my goodness I am I. The same boat with Blair. The only way for her to know she did something wrong is for me to take away her play dresses. Of course then she will go into my closet and pull out my dresses and shoes to wear or ask if I want to play dress up too. Who can say no to that!? 3 year old girls think thy rule the world, which they might sometimes
Oh, Harper's sass! I love it.
They are adorable!
Adorable post!! My daughters are the same except our 11 month old can't walk yet but she sure gets around cruising as fast as she can! They chase each other around the whole house, laugh and cry together. It really is great to see them bond! And I am happy they can entertain each other too 😉 Happy Easter to you and your beautiful family!!
Oh my goodness! This is such a good post! The things 3 years old say – I just can't wait!
xx Viv at JoieDeViv
You are so good at telling stories about your girls!! They're just so freaking sweet!! 🙂 xo
These are my favorite posts 🙂 So cute hearing what Harper says….I can relate to so much of it! And that picture of them holding hands in the car? You must have had that good feeling mommy moment for sure!
Great post. It's those little stories that really make parenting great eh? They sound just like my kids.
I love this! Isn't it the best when they start REALLY playing together? My boys are 2.5 and 14 months and I'm loving how much they play together these days! Real, actual playing…it's the best!
oh my goodness i am so glad you documented harper's hilariousness! she sure has some personality…what a funny girl. 🙂
Love love love the toddler takes stories!! So cute!!
Definitely toddler logic! They don't even realize how hilarious they are!