We are far less prepared for this baby than we were with the other two girls, but really we know things will be just fine no matter what gets left undone before she gets here. Mentally, we are ready, and excited & can’t wait to have that sweet girl in our arms!
In terms of furniture, the dresser & wooden stools will stay, but I am up in the air about the rocker. It will most likely stay as well since it’s the most practical thing to do. But part of me dreams of having something else this time! Since we had to buy another crib this time, we went with a more modern option & I am really excited about how it looks in the room.
I am most excited to decorate this room since it’s pretty much a blank canvas, and we have a lot of the accessories ready & waiting. Hopefully painting it will give me the motivation that I need to get it finished asap! 😉
In our bathroom, we had a lot of drywall & molding work to do after the tile was complete, now we just have to finish painting & putting up our shelves. Bleh, I am over that project & all of the obstacles we have had!
Everything else.
Pack hospital bag, which I normally don’t do until quite a bit closer to baby’s arrival since I’ve never gone into labor & will have another scheduled c-section. I am happy to do a post on my hospital bag for those of you who have asked!
Buy newborn diapers, pacifiers & a coming home from the hospital outfit.
Wash baby bottles, pump parts & all those fun things. Again, feels like yesterday that we just packed that stuff away!
Do as much fun stuff as we can outside before the baby comes & it is too hot for her! We need to hit the splash pad, the farmer’s market & hopefully a baseball game! I want the girls to have the best summer & I know things will become just a teeny bit more difficult once we are rolling three deep! 😉
I love this!! Cant wait o see the finished nursery! Im working on getting our playroom baby proofed, it's a only a matter of time before my baby is crawling.
Love lists like this, makes me so excited for my baby girl on the way! That play mat might be the sweetest thing ever!
Your pregnancy has gone by so fast for me! 😉 I can't believe baby girl Garvin #3 will be here in 6 weeks. We didn't have a name for Olivia until we met her. That was never the plan. I wanted a name right away and nothing ever felt right – I went into the hospital stressed about naming her. We had a short list, and Olivia wasn't on the top of either of ours. When she came out my first thought was "crap. I'm not going to get my favorite name. This baby looks like an Olivia." I didn't say anything out loud and my husband goes "well .. I'm feeling Olivia now." As weird as it still sounds for a baby to "look" a name – we just both felt "Olivia" at the same time after meeting her, but never before. We love her name and think it's perfect. So if you go into the hospital without a name, I'm sure it will all still work out!
Can't wait for your sweet girl to make her arrival! And your nursery inspiration post is too cute!! XX
Hey! So I know you didn't really go into detail about Eloise's sleeping habits, but coming from a mom of two little girls I know the necessity of sleep. I was going to recommend you taking her to a chiropractor. My littlest had sleeping issues until about 18 months. I had a friend reccommend it to me, and at that point I was down for anything. After two adjustments, she was sleeping through the night!
Can't wait for the name and room! As for sharing the room, try a humidifier, everynight…the noise might help Harper sleep through Eloise noise…that's what we do everynight for our sons!
I'm sure the girls will have an amazing summer, don't worry?
I loved this! I think for baby #3's room you should do a minty green or even a minty green ombré…
Holy moly, Momma!! You are going to have your hands full, but in the best way possible! Cheers to a three day weekend and to getting stuff checked off of your list!
<3 Linds @ LindsaysSweetWorld.blogspot.com
Eek so exciting how close you are to meeting baby girl #3! I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone with my babe still not sleeping through the night too (almost 11 months). Everyone else I know that has a baby around the year mark is totally sleeping through the night, so it's always good to have someone else in the same boat 🙂 Enjoy these last few weeks with your family of 4!!
I'm due just before you and we don't have a name yet either. I had my first daughter's before she was even conceived and now I feel hopeless on figuring out a name. We're still in the switching bedrooms for our oldest so the nursery can be reused. Thankfully if it goes anything like last time, the new one won't head to the nursery for a month or so anyways.
All I can say is good luck! I have 3 about the same age differences as your girls. My daughter will be 4 in August, my son will be 2 in July and the baby is 7 months (the two youngest are 15 months apart). It will be tough in the beginning, but you learn to adapt really quickly, let the little things go and if they eat that blueberry that has been sitting in the chair for 2 days, hopefully you just don't notice 🙂
I am due in about 5 weeks with our first girl (currently have 2 boys) Glad to know I am not the only one not prepared and nesting.
Hopefully you can get a picture of Baby girl in the same outfit as Harper and Eloise. Would be so cute to see a side-by side-by side! 🙂
I just had my third girl as well, they're 6,2 and just born. Is it crazy? Yes! Is it hectic? Yes! Do I wanna pull my hair half the time? Yes! Lol but totally worth it.
You sound just like me, hospital bag didn't get packed until the week of my scheduled (third) csection. And the name, we decided on the name a couple of days before.
Good luck!
What a cute post! I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to see her nursery and her name 🙂 I always get so so nervous for people when they are getting close to their due date because my water broke 5 weeks early! (She was totally fine) I didn't even have my hospital bag together! That was fun hahahaha.
I'm sooo obsessed with anything Mermaids for my girls right now- and that color palette is just perfection! I can't wait to see what you post as the nursery reveal. My girls are 3.5 and 18 months old and I just finished their shared room and already want to redo it lol.
You should look at the Graham Glider from West Elm. It is the greatest piece I ever bought for my nursery. Now that my second one is on the way I might buy a second one…its too much of my routine with my first to take it from her. When I bought it it only came in one grey now it comes in lots of options. Best. Ever.
I also just purchased those zip sleepers in 7 colors, each size.
This is maybe more info than you want to put out for the world to read, but I would be interested in hearing how recovery from a c-section is with a toddler in the house. I had a scheduled one for my twin daughters and if the baby I'm pregnant with doesn't flip then I will most likely have another one. I'm a little scared of trying to recover from surgery with two very active three year olds. Hearing someone else's experience would be really helpful.
Can't wait to see pictures of all the finished spaces and, of course, the littlest sister!
I'm so so so glad you shared your to do list before baby because I am 35 weeks with baby #2 and having anxiety about what I need to do yet but realistically … I don't have much because my first born is only 15 months old. And unfortunately I'm not able to prep a nursery because we're moving soon into a bigger home because this house only has 2 bedrooms. Blah. BUT this still helped! Did you or are you going to share which crib you bought? I'm debating on getting the same crib we have for Levi in case they ever have to be in the same room together … then it matches?!?! (we didn't find out the sex of our baby) …. So I just feel so unprepared. I love not knowing what I'm having but the whole moving thing mixed with that isn't helping me lol. Would love to know what crib you got!!!! Oh and p.s. struggling with names too! Soooooo i'm a hot mess needless to say.