We asked the girls this year to help make a list of all of the things they want to do to celebrate the season, decorating their room for Christmas was first on the list! They had a ton of fun putting together their ideas & I thought I would share a few of the things we have in the queue for December if you are still planning out all of your festive fun!
- Decorate their room for Christmas. Festive sheets are so fun, but even a mini tree, some garland or an extra strand of twinkle lights make kids rooms so much more fun!
- Make gingerbread houses. This has been a tradition for a few years for us, we might even have a house decorating party with some of their little girlfriends this year.
- See snow. We might have to make our way to Stone Mountain Park this year in North Georgia to make this happen, but for those of you who get a white Christmas, I hope you get to make the most of it!
- Have hot chocolate. Already on the agenda for the weekend along with making our own whipped cream this time!
- Go to the Christmas Tree Farm. And hopefully see a real Reindeer while we are there 😉 We are heading over there this weekend to get a mini tree because we actually decided to buy a fake tree as our main tree this year. I swore I would never do it but sorta fell in love with one and can’t wait to share what we are doing with it!
- Help dad put up lights outside. Our girls LOVE driving around to look at lights & we promised them we would do a better job with our own house this year. We have a few surprises in store for them on this one.
- Give lots of presents. They actually made lists of everyone they want to give presents to and what they want to give them, which is the all time sweetest. They find so much joy in giving gifts (and pictures and random cards or pipe cleaner creations) so I have a feeling we are going to go through a lot of wrapping paper.
- Camp in the living room by the Christmas tree. This is usually our Christmas night tradition (since we never want to let the day end!) but we might have to do it a few extra times this year, just for fun.
- Make Christmas cookies. Dozens of cookies will be made & probably eaten before the season is over! Sharing a few of our favorite recipes very soon!
- Go ice skating. We unsuccessfully did this last year and hoping now that they are a bit older (and more coordinated?) we can try it again! If nothing else, it is so much fun to watch those who can! 😉
What do you have planned with your little ones this season?
Can’t wait to share the rest of their room (and hopefully the whole house!) on the blog next week! Happy almost weekend!! xo
Ohhhh boy. Garvins or Griswalds? can’t wait to see the lights!
Love all of your Holiday Ideas!! Can’t wait to read/see the rest next week!
Most of these things are on our list as well. I need to make ice skating happen with the kids, coming from Vermont when we all got on skates literally as the same time as we were learning to walk, I fail as a parent for not taking my daughters earlier 🙂 Oh how fun to camp in front of the tree on Christmas night, we typically have to work the next day but this year I am taking it off to get things in order and get a little breathing room before regular life happens again!
So cute! Where did you get the gray duvet/comforters? And what size is the “Sweet Heavenly Molasses” print in between their beds?
Thank you!
hi! the comforters are from The Land of Nod and the print is from Etsy!
I’m sure those pillows are old, but where are the deer from?
they’re from last year at The Land of Nod
If you don’t use Trader Joe’s gingerbread kit it is a must! First year doing it and it was amazing! You’ll want to pick up some additional goodies to go on it because it didn’t have a ton.
We did the Trader Joe’s gingerbread house last year and I swore I would never do anything BUT theirs. And yes, get extra candy for the house!
Love all of these ideas! We can’t wait to put our tree up this weekend too!
This sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait until my daughter is old enough to come up with her own list!
I love how you decorate their rooms! I hadn’t ever thought of decorating the kids rooms but I may have to now. And where did the little tables come from? They are adorable!
hi! they’re from Serena & Lily! we love them!!!
Thanks for sharing such fun ideas! We’ve taken our girls to the Christmas tree farm once already with some of our family members and plan to go back to get ours tomorrow. It’s such a great tradition!
What a great list! I’ve had my eye on the lumberjack flannel sheets from Target for my son’s bed- they’re too cute!
they’re so cute!!!
Holiday Bucket List
– [ ] Peddlers village
– [ ] New hope santa train ride
– [x] See the Rockettes
– [x] See tree at Rockefeller center
– [ ] Visit santa at herald Sq
– [x] Union square market
– [ ] Take Kylie ice skating
I also need to add that she decorated her own mini tree in her room Thanksgiving weekend. She is looking to decorate her room some more so I think we will craft some gingerbread men and Christmas trees and santa heads! We do the Home Depot Kids DIY workshop every month and so far, she’s built a Christmas tree frame ornament and a wooden ginger bread house!
Hi Jessica,
When you camp around the tree do they stay all night? Any good suggestions/strategies? I’d love to do this with my two girls but have no clue how to make it a success!
Is your Christmas tree real or fake? You mentioned a fake one but it looks so real!