This week we celebrated Brandon’s 33rd birthday (how are we so old?) and after a long morning of rain, we caught some perfect overcast skies and weather that wasn’t a scorching 99.9 degrees. Perfect pool weather, at least for us! 😉 I rarely have my camera since I am pretty much a helicopter mom around water, but figured we needed to document a day at the pool before summer gets away from us. This has been a good year for us with the kids in the water, Harper & Ellie took swim lessons before we left Atlanta, and are finally comfortable enough to swim and jump in without plugging their noses. Claire is still a little timid and prefers to be holding on to one of us at all times, but let’s be real, she’s like that even when she’s not in the pool.
An afternoon swimming is just about their favorite thing in the world, Claire dumping water from one plastic cup to another, Harper jumping in and out a hundred times yelling “cannonballs!!” and Eloise casually trying to float on her back until dad turns into the shark.
Caught this little guy eating food out of someone’s lunch basket. Happier than a bird with a french fry (or a mom with a poolside cocktail). We have just a few short weeks until the girls go back to school, so we will be savoring all of the pool days from here on out!
Rash guards c/o our local fave Swimzip!
Allllll the happy summer vibes from these pictures! Nothing captures these days better than being at the pool.
Claire looks like a little model in the picture of the three of them together. They’re all so beautiful.
It is plain crazy how Eloise and Claire’s faces mixed together = your face to a T. Wild! They are all SO flippin’ adorable! I wish I could meet you at the pool!! 🙂
Oh… to be 33 again! I think it’s so funny how at every age above the 20’s decade we feel “old”. Please don’t feel old in your 30’s because those are some of the best years! I just turned 40 this past October (and can’t believe 41 is right around the corner). It went SO fast! The highlight of my 30’s was being pregnant and welcoming our 2 little boys into this world. It was so much fun! I came across your blog when you were pregnant for the first time and I remember thinking how scared I was to be pregnant! But you made it look so good! So in my 40’s now… I am more confident in my choices, I know what I like and what I don’t. My body image has changed for the better. I made babies and that in itself makes my body beautiful and amazing. I’m happier in general and definitely looking forward to this new decade and what it will bring. So enjoy every moment of your 30’s and those 3 beautiful girls!!! They grow up way too fast don’t they?!
the girls poses in the second photo makes them look like little models! how cute!!
Their suits!!!! These pictures are precious and just scream summer.
My husband turns 40 next year and we met when he was 30. We feel old OLD!
Looks like a wonderful birthday! The girls’ matching suits are so adorable. And Claire’s “Blue Steel” look is EVERYTHING. 🙂
They are stunning in their little rashguards! Little beauties! I think Eloise is your mini me! I’ve been following your blog since you were pregnant with Harper & I have enjoyed seeing your blog grow & change over the years. My 6 year old daughter & I love making the blueberry struessel muffins! Congrats on your beautiful new home! You guys seem like such a fun family!