Happy Thanksgiving week!! I thought before we dive into gift guides, we would talk about all things Thanksgiving! This is our first year in our new house (and new city!) so it will be very different for us than years past. We will host friends and my brother is coming from Minneapolis (yay!!), but TBH, I would make an entire feast and full menu even if it were just the five of us! Because the only thing better than Thanksgiving dinner itself is the LEFTOVERS!!

Starting off with goat cheese & toast, our all time fave appetizer, and some cranberry brie puff pastry bites. The girls are obsessed with these! We will make two turkeys, one in the fryer and one in the oven so we can have homemade gravy. Trying this new cranberry sauce recipe as well as making popovers for the first time! Have you made them before?!
I also LIVE for a good pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream, especially the morning after Thanksgiving to eat with coffee. When life is good!!

What is on your Thanksgiving menu?! Drop any of your fave recipes below!
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